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ADLC receives the "Smart Mobility" Award


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ADLC receives the "Smart Mobility" Award

The concept of Smart Mobility can only become reality when all stakeholders engage in an intense collaboration.

That is why we are so thrilled to have received the "Smart Mobility" award in the category "Best Collaboration" from our Vice-Prime minister and Federal minister of Transport Georges Gilkinet.

It is a recognition of ADLC conscious effort to build true partnerships.

The Samplifly project is the result of an intense collaboration between: SGS, BASF, Port of Antwerp-Bruges, SkeyDrone, skeyes, EuroUSC-Benelux, DeltaCopter, Phoenix-Wings GmbH, Unifly, Senhive, Orange and FOD Mobiliteit en Vervoer / SPF Mobilité et Transports. And was made possible through the financial support of SGS, European Space Agency (ESA), BELSPO, Business in Antwerp and VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship.


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